Sunday, 10 April 2011

Rust in Peace

So I mentioned this was inspired by Eastscapes, who does this much better than I ever will. He has a commitment to exploring human dilapidation, to finding evidence of abandonment, and a good eye for a great shot. It's a kind of modern archaeology. I sometimes wonder, looking at his photoblog, whether the apocalypse hasn't already happened and we just didn't notice; we just learnt to live around it.

The photo above was taken around the Norfolk Broads (don't ask me which one...). It was shot with the Little Orange Box camera in Retro Cam. I love the way the colours have come out.

The photo below was shot with the FudgeCan camera. I include it for comparison, I just don't like it as much. The LOB shot is warmer and I guess the FC shot just feels a little 'swampy', kind of murky blue-green that doesn't complement the rust at all.


  1. I agree re the shot you decided to go with - its colour and the sense of warmth really are gorgeous.

    Present-day phone cameras are just the best, right?

  2. Totally, and the internet is the highest capacity gallery in the world, free too... ;)
